Python Programming Bootcamp
5706 Enrolled
6 Courses & 50 Hours
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$299.00 Value
Python Tutorial: Python Network Programming - Build 7 Apps
Mihai Catalin Teodosiu
103 Lessons (12h)

- Experience level required: All levels
- Access 103 lectures & 12 hours of content 24/7
- Length of time users can access this course: Lifetime
Course Curriculum
103 Lessons (12h)
- Getting Started with PythonCourse introductionIntroduction to PythonQuick Insight To Get You Warmed Up!How To Receive Maximum Results From This CourseFAQ - Please Read This In Case You Run Into Any Issues!Necessary softwareTroubleshooting VirtualBox/GNS3 Issues + VM LogIn CredentialsVirtualBox and Virtual Machines - Short Guide (Just Added: Aug 7 2015)Running a VirtualBox VM within GNS3 v1.X (Just Added: Aug 1st 2015)List of necessary applicationsPython interpreterPython scriptsPython argument passingUser inputdir and help2:41Quiz 1: Python basics
- Python Data TypesPython VariablesPython keywordsPython Data TypesPython StringsPython String methodsPython String operators and formattingPython String slicesQuiz 2: StringsNumbers and math operatorsBooleans and logical operatorsQuiz 3: Numbers and BooleansPython Lists introductionPython List methodsPython List slicesQuiz 4: ListsPython Sets introductionPython Set methodsQuiz 5: SetsPython Tuples introductionPython Tuple methodsQuiz 6: TuplesPython Dictionaries introductionPython Dictionary methodsConversions between data typesQuiz 7: Dictionaries
- Python Control FlowIf / Elif / Else conditionalsFor / For-Else loopsWhile / While-Else loopsIf / For / While nestingBreak, Continue, PassPython ExceptionsTry / Except / Else / FinallyQuiz 8: Control Flow
- Python FunctionsFunctionsArgumentsNamespacesModules and importingQuiz 9: Functions
- Python File OperationsFile opening and readingFile writing and appendingFile closing / The "with" methodFile access modes tableQuiz 10: Files
- Python Regular ExpressionsThe "re.match" and "" methodsThe "re.findall" and "re.sub" methodsPython Regular Expressions sheetQuiz 11: Regular Expressions
- Python Classes (Object-Oriented Programming) BasicsPython Classes and ObjectsPython Classes and InheritanceQuiz 12: Classes
- Bonus Python Tools & ResourcesList / Set / Dictionary comprehensionsQuiz 13: ComprehensionsPython Lambda functionsQuiz 14: Lambda functionsPython Map, Filter, ReduceQuiz 15: Map, Filter, ReducePython Threading basicsHow To Install a New Python Module (Just Added: July 1st 2015)Iterators and Generators (Just Added: Aug 1st 2015)Itertools (Just Added: September 2 2015)Decorators (Just Added: September 18 2015)Sockets: Server (Just Added: November 2 2015)Socket Server Code (.txt + .py) (Just Added: November 2 2015)Sockets: Client (Just Added: November 2 2015)Socket Client Code (.txt + .py) (Just Added: November 2 2015)Web Access Basics with Python: requestsSome advice on coding
- Setting up the working environmentLink to the necessary resourcesGNS3 SetupLinking VirtualBox to the GNS3 network
- Python NetworkingPython networking with TelnetPython networking with SSHPython networking with SNMPPython networking with Scapy. Creating your own packets.Code snippet (.pdf + .py): Telnet (Guidelines)Code snippet (.pdf + .py): SSH (Guidelines)Code snippet (.pdf + .py): SNMP (Guidelines)
- Python and MySQLSetting up the MySQL databasePython interacting with MySQL
- Application #1 - Basic subnet calculatorShort introductionWhat are we going to build?Planning the applicationApplication #1 - Logical Flow DiagramApplication #1 - Part #1Application #1 - Part #2Application #1 - Part #3Application #1 - Part #4Testing the applicationEntire application code (.pdf + .py)
- Application #2 - SSH/Telnet network configurationWhat are we going to build?Planning the applicationApplication #2 - Logical Flow DiagramApplication #2 - Part #1Application #2 - Part #2Application #2 - Part #3Application #2 - Part #4Testing the applicationEntire SSH application code (.pdf + .py)Entire Telnet application code (.pdf + .py)
- Application #3 - DHCP client simulatorWhat are we going to build?Planning the applicationApplication #3 - Logical Flow DiagramApplication #3 - Part #1Application #3 - Part #2Application #3 - Part #3Application #3 - Part #4Testing the applicationEntire application code (.pdf + .py)
- Application #4 - Network parameters extractionWhat are we going to build?Planning the applicationApplication #4 - Logical Flow DiagramApplication #4 - Part #1Application #4 - Part #2Application #4 - Part #3Application #4 - Part #4Application #4 - Part #5Testing the applicationEntire application code (.pdf + .py)
- Application #5 - OSPF network discovery via SNMPWhat are we going to build?Planning the applicationApplication #5 - Logical Flow DiagramApplication #5 - Part #1Application #5 - Part #2Application #5 - Part #3Application #5 - Part #4Application #5 - Part #5Application #5 - Part #6Testing the applicationEntire application code (.pdf + .py)
- [NEW] Application #6 - Basic network snifferApplication #6 - GuidelinesApplication #6 - Logical Flow DiagramEntire application code (.pdf + .py)
- [NEW] Application #7 - Configuration file comparatorApplication #7 - GuidelinesApplication #7 - Logical Flow DiagramEntire application code (.pdf + .py)
- Practice, Practice, Practice...100 Python Exercises (Just Added: June 10 2015)Answers for All the Exercises (Just Added: June 10 2015)Project - Homework (Just Added: June 16 2015)Let's Stay In Touch!Please Read This Carefully!Bonus Lecture: More Python Networking Training
Python Tutorial: Python Network Programming - Build 7 Apps
Mihai Catalin TeodosiuMihai Catalin Teodosiu holds a degree in Telecommunications and Information Technology from University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania, as well as the CCNP, CCNA, CCDA, JNCIA, and ISTQB CTFL certifications. He has been working as a Network Quality Assurance Engineer since 2010, testing the OS for Nortel/Avaya L3 switches.
- 5+ years experience in the Networking and Testing/Quality Assurance industries.
- Certified professional: Cisco, Juniper & International Software Testing Qualifications Board certifications
- Teaching courses on Udemy, GNS3 Academy & other e-learning platforms
- Thousands of satisfied students, 4.97 / 5 average course rating
- Thousands of followers on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook & Blogger
Over 10000 satisfied students have enrolled in this highly-rated Python courses across the Web. Why? This course will teach you essential Python concepts that are extremely relevant in any tech career, not to mention perfect for building amazing network tools. Follow along with the below hands-on projects, and you'll solidify the concepts and skills to confidently code with Python.
- Learn & practice every Python key concept w/ 12 hours & 103 lectures
- Follow each lesson w/ a short quiz that helps consolidate the main ideas
- Dive right into real-life network scenarios & apply your knowledge to build 7 great network tools
- Utilize the provided virtual machine w/ all Python modules installed & full source code included
- Build a variety of apps:
- Subnet calculator
- Configuring multiple network devices concurrently via SSH or Telnet
- DHCP client simulator for testing a DHCP server in the local network
- and more!
Details & Requirements
- Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
- Access options: web streaming
- Certification of completion not included
- Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
- Experience level required: all levels
- Internet required

$199.00 Value
Python Made Easy - The Complete Python Developer Course
Tim Buchalka
103 Lessons (12h)

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Python Programming: The Step-by-Step Python Coding Guide
Linux Training Academy
77 Lessons (3h)

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Python For Offensive PenTest: A Complete Practical Course
Hussam Khrais
54 Lessons (5h)

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A Gentle Introduction to Python Programming
EDUmobile Academy
25 Lessons (4h)

$49.00 Value
Analytics, Machine Learning & NLP in Python
76 Lessons (14h)
- Instant digital redemption
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